Treatnet Project II. Campinas, Brasil.

Recently the doctor Martha Suescún, director of Libérate Foundation, was picked as representant of Colombia in Brazil in the training of treatment centers at the Treatnet Project II.

Certification. Drug addiction attention center.

The Libérate Foundation is able and certified as a Drug addiction attention center. Given by the Health District Secretary of Bogotá.

Good practices. Social inclusion of drug abusers.

The Libérate Foundation has been selected in the systematisation process about experiences and good practices in social inclusion of drug abuser. At the international forum of social inclusion organized by the United Nations.

Recognition. In social inclusion.

On october of 2011, the Libérate Foundation is catalogued as a pioneer in organizations with significative and innovative experiences at the matter of social inclusion of drug abusers.

Membership. Feccot.

Our Foundation is member of Inter-institutional Relations as Conexión Colombia, Mental Health Federation of Colombia and FECCOT.

Endorsed by the. Social Protection Ministry.

Endorsed by the Social Protection Ministry and the UN office against drug and crime as specialized center in rehabilitation and prevention of addictions.

Inscription. Asodamas

The Libérate Foundation inscribed at Asodamas of Colombia.

Covenants. Libérate Foundation.

Covenants with ARL Sura, ARL Bolívar, ARL Liberty, ARL Colpatria, associated doctors, SOS, and universities Javeriana, EAN, El Bosque, La Sabana.

Research. Motivational therapy program.

In association with the El Bosque University is developed the research: “Motivational therapy program” which goal is to offers tools for change of attitudes in front of consumption, abstinences, and proper management of related issues.

Inscription. Asodamas

The Libérate Foundation inscribed at Asodamas of Colombia.

Covenants. Libérate Foundation.

Covenants with ARL Sura, ARL Bolívar, ARL Liberty, ARL Colpatria, associated doctors, SOS, and universities Javeriana, EAN, El Bosque, La Sabana.

Research. Motivational therapy program.

In association with the El Bosque University is developed the research: “Motivational therapy program” which goal is to offers tools for change of attitudes in front of consumption, abstinences, and proper management of related issues.

Support. Bolívar Davivienda Foundation.

The institution counts with the support of the Bolívar Davivienda Foundation at the logical frame for the project elaboration and the diplomat of management for institutions.

Recognition. Scientific referent.

The institution is recognized as scientific referent in the media.

“De rumba sin rumbo” program. Business prevention program.

The prevention message has been spreaded across the country reaching more than 4000 people through the theatral show “Cuenta regresiva”, “De rumba sin rumbo” and the stand-up comedy “¿how far have we come?” with frontline actors as: Yolanda Rayo, Alejandro Aguilar, Manuel Busquets y Astrid Junguito. These shows has been presented in different companies like: Davivienda, Colpatria, Hocol, Coomeva, Carrefour, National Police Department, Codensa, EAN and EXXON mobil.

Stand-up comedy. Ricardo Quevedo. Business prevention program.

This show has been created so it contributes to the Libérate Foundation goals. The show aims to do a prevention work through humour so between laughs the viewers identify situations in the scenery and meditate about their role in their family and social circle.

Countdown. Business prevention program

Tells the story of a young couple, that familiar neglect generates the loss in addiction world. Countdown program presents a view of the addiction problematics, the program counts with great actors engaged with the fight against drugs and alcohol in Colombia.

Preventive conferences. Addiction in businesses.

Preventive conferences around addictions have reached functionaries and familiars of enterprises as: FAC (Colombian Air Force), Saint Gobain Group of Colombia, Belcorp, Pacific Rubiales, Banco Popular, Copidrogas. The program has reached also educational institutions as: Anglo-Colombian School, Calatrava School, Central University, etc.

Representative Institution. Social Protection Ministry of Colombia.

The Libérate Foundation was chosen by the Social Protection Ministry as representative institution and model institution of prevention and rehabilitation of pharmacodependency in Colombia. The Foundation received the visit of the Prime Minister against drugs of France. The Libérate Foundation was chosen by the UN against drugs and crime to be visited by Anja Busse, expert of the International Center of Vienna in prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Libérate Foundation and the Ronda S. A Company. unite to prevent drug consumption in children and young people.

The Libérate Foundation has the pleasure of sharing the alliance with the Ronda S.A. Company (manufacturer of board games), to having as main goal transmitting knowledge in prevention of drug consumption through a different and attractive concept. Is here where Ronda S.A. Company, plays a key role, the union of experiences contributes to the transformation, education and prevention of addictions through a board game calls “Te reto” (Dare You).

Acknowledgment as a Social organization compromised with transparency.

The AFLORA, is a program of Bolívar Davivienda Institution, we were acknowledged by third year in a row a recognition by our compromise with transparency during the 2016. This appreciation highlights the accountability of the gerency performed during last year by social organizations. Thank you for recognizing our effort, this motivate us to continue working with the most powerful compromise.


We believe in you and in your ability to transform your life, we want to help you choose the right path.
