The modality of internal treatment consists in a regulated process of therapeutic application that wants to transform the behavioural and normative angles that may affect the person, after or during its addictive process.

The treatment process requires phases that allow delimiting personal work basing in criteria that determine the level of progressive involvement by the individual when retaking basic principles of convivence and values as assuming the responsibility of recovery developing practical tools that function to give an adequate management to the resolution of personal, familiar and social conflicts.


  • Trastorno adictivo: Dependencia sin auto control necesario para poder realizar un tratamiento
  • Dependencia grave sin soporte social o familiar que facilite un mantenimiento de la abstinencia.
  • Fracaso de tratamientos ambulatorios o residenciales previos
  • No conciencia de enfermedad , con incumplimiento reiterado de normas en casa, trabajo, afectivo y riesgo asociado para la salud física o mental.
  • Problemas psicopatológicos derivados de la adicción que dificulten un abordaje terapéutico eficaz.
  • Trastornos mentales o del ánimo que pongan en peligro la abstinencia.


We believe in you and in your ability to transform your life, we want to help you choose the right path.
